Saturday, November 19, 2011

" fashions fade,style is eternal." Yves Saint Laurent quote. would you agree or disagree with that?

I would agree, what is considered fashionable becomes unfashionable at some point, yet a certain style can be timeless and classic. Usually what is considered 'good style' would be good quality clothing, whereas cheaper alternatives become unfashionable because they are cheap for a reason i.e. they are made on demand, quickly and are not made to last.

The things that are the most desirable originally because they are considered 'fashionable' are more likely to fail in the long run. You don't have to be fashionable to be stylish, and just because you're following the latest trends doesn't make you stylish, quite simply because some trends are appalling! You are more likely to be stylish when you are comfortable and confident in what you are wearing, not making a fashion statement. The way to be stylish is to dress depending on your body type, your surroundings i.e. the environment, weather etc, and wear clothes that are appropriate.

What you need to decide for yourself is; would I spending money on timeless classics that are more expensive but are worth more in the long term, or being on trend and 'fashionable'. I hope you make a wise decision. (:|||True, but fashions and trends go round and round and eventually what was "in" in any particular year will come round again and be "the new in" !!|||Definitely agree.|||Totally agree.|||Yes. He is the Saint of fashion and style.|||Yes. Once, shoulder pads were considered stylish.|||Agree, he should know....!!|||Yes, classic styles never go out of fashion.|||Yes. I look very stylish in my vintage clothes.|||It's very true.|||100% my dear sweet lady xoxox

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